How to effectively manage in the wake of remote working?

Everything you learned over the years in management and all the resources and information you can obtain that teaches you how to manage a team is irrelevant in the wake of remote working. 

This shift to remote working hasn’t gone away, with many employees asking for a hybrid working style at the very least. 

This has changed the game for many business owners and managers, who are struggling to maintain engaging relationships with their employees and keep a track of productivity output. 

That is why an ‘outcome-focused’ approach is achieving the best results. Staff value autonomy in their work and loathe any form of micromanagement as they take control of their working lives.

Over 1000 professionals across a range of different industries and company sizes were interviewed for the Evolution of Leadership Report 2022, launched by the Access Group and HR Leader.

The report found that 88% believed that an outcome focused environment was delivering the best business results. 

It is time to move away from the 9-5 scenarios and offer flexibility in the way that employees work, simply looking at the results that they produce and rewarding them on this. 

Since there is a talent drought, businesses are not in a position to dictate how they approach managing teams. Those companies that are securing and retaining the employees that they want are being receptive to the needs of the individuals and willing to take a chance on autonomy in the workplace.

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Management post COVID can be tricky and with such a fiercely competitive job market out there, retaining the staff you have or bringing on new talent whilst ensuring that your staff are working as productively as they were in the office can be a minefield. 

Implementing very clear expectations for outcomes and not micro-managing your staff by demanding traditional office hours could be a step in the right direction. Make sure that you keep conversation active and that your employee understands a healthy work/life balance as well.