Gold Coast Accountant

How We Work

We use a five-step process to help you develop and improve your business – increasing your business profit and cashflow, wealth creation, protect your family and your assets, minimise taxation and reduce the pressure and worry…

How We Work

1. Asset Protection & Business Structures

• Family trusts used as asset protection vehicles
• Secured loan agreements to protect the funds loaned to your business
• Separation of the ‘risk’ and ‘asset’ areas of your business and personal assets
• Estate planning, including establishing your wills and powers of attorney

2. Advanced Tax Planning

• Companies used to ‘cap’ your tax at a maximum of 30%
• 100% tax deductions for notebook computers, mobile phones/PDA’s and briefcases (one each per year)
• Tax-effective home loans and debt recycling plans (reducing your non-tax deductible debt while maximising the interest you can claim on your tax return)

3. Accounting & Compliance Services

• Financial statements, tax returns, Business Activity Statements (BAS’s)
• We provide you with simple to use checklists to compile the information we need to prepare your financial reports
• Our plain English letters help to clearly communicate your business obligations and taxation responsibilities

4. Business Profit Improvement

• Strategies and tools to increase your business profits and cashflow
• Business valuations for succession plans and insurance purposes
• Cashflow forecasts and strategic plans
• Systems and procedures (so that your business can run without you)

5. Wealth Creation

Our network of authorised financial advisers can provide you with wealth creation advice in:
• Establishment of an investment plan
• Investment into managed funds and shares
• Superannuation advice
• Margin lending
• Personal insurances
• Meeting your retirement goals
• Leases, home loans and business loans

For more, contact us today on 07 5559-1200


We know that Nicola has our business interests at heart. She truly is a trusted adviser.

We… Read more “We know that Nicola has our business interests at heart. She truly is a trusted adviser.”

Garry and Jo .

Accounting Tax Solutions is my preferred Tax Agent.

Accounting… Read more “Accounting Tax Solutions is my preferred Tax Agent.”

Max Atfield .

Nicola and the team are a real asset for any business owner.

Nicola… Read more “Nicola and the team are a real asset for any business owner.”

Xavier Quenon .

Nicola and the team are a real asset for any business owner.

Nicola… Read more “Nicola and the team are a real asset for any business owner.”

Xavier Quenon .

I highly recommend Accounting Tax Solutions.

I… Read more “I highly recommend Accounting Tax Solutions.”

Stephen Burns .

Beyond my expectations

Beyond… Read more “Beyond my expectations”

Debbie Goodall

So glad we changed over to Accounting & Tax Solutions

So… Read more “So glad we changed over to Accounting & Tax Solutions”

Peter & Stephanie Reiser

Always responsive and ready to assist

Always… Read more “Always responsive and ready to assist”

Marina, Creative Kids Child Care Centre

Maximised my tax return

Maximised… Read more “Maximised my tax return”

Colin Straughen

Rod Thomsen

Nicola… Read more “Rod Thomsen”

Rod Thomsen

All times professional, and yet responsive to our needs

All… Read more “All times professional, and yet responsive to our needs”

Jo Luxmoore

Very efficient and friendly

We… Read more “Very efficient and friendly”

Dominic Olliff

Always ready to assist

Always… Read more “Always ready to assist”

Silvina Dupuy

Hugely beneficial and highly valued

Hugely… Read more “Hugely beneficial and highly valued”

John Pikington

Angela Sully

One… Read more “Angela Sully”

Angela Sully

Charles Quelch

Always… Read more “Charles Quelch”

Charles Quelch

Danny Withington

Prompt… Read more “Danny Withington”

Danny Withington

Strands of Silk

We… Read more “Strands of Silk”

Strands of Silk