Gold Coast Accountant

Self Managed Super Funds – SMSF


If you’re 55 or over, we can help organise your finances to maximise the opportunities.

If you’re 55 or over, we can help you

We can give you the right tax advice on your Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF). 

Are you aware that there are great tax savings when you reach 60 as your pension stream is 100% tax free in most circumstances.

Services we offer include:

  • Set up of your  Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) upon your request 
  • Bookkeeping, Annual Financial Statements, Trustee Minutes and Fund Tax Return for your Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) 
  • Arranging the Audit of your Fund by an independent Auditor
  • Completion of your Personal Tax Returns and Self Managed Super Fund Tax Returns

Contact us now to find out more about our services for retirees.



Is a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) right for you? 

There are currently over 600,000 SMSF’s in Australia.

We understand that SMSF’s don’t suit everyone, so it’s important you get the right information to decide for yourself.  To assist you to make informed choices, here are some items to consider:

Why do people set up their own SMSF?

  • To be able to make their own decisions about where their super is invested.
  • To invest in your own choice of allowable assets

What is involved to set up a SMSF?

You need a SMSF Trust Deed (the document that contains all the rules for running your super fund) and a Trustee (the decision maker) for the SMSF.  The fund also must be registered with an ABN and TFN.  If you are running commercial activities the fund may also be required to register for GST.

What are the ongoing requirements for a SMSF?

The annual administration of your SMSF includes bookkeeping, tax return, annual financial statements, minutes of Trustee’s meetings and if in retirement phase, pension calculations and minutes.  In addition to this, the fund must be audited each year by an independent Auditor.

What investments can I make in a SMSF?

Typical investments include shares, cash, term deposits, and property. There are specific rules about what you can invest in,so it’s important you seek  advice before you make any decisions.

Interested in a SMSF or Wanting to transfer your existing SMSF to Accounting Tax Solutions?

To assist you to make an informed decision to see if we are the right team to help you with your SMSF needs, Contact us TODAY. 


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This is general advice only and does not take into account your financial circumstances, needs and objectives. Before making any decision based on this document, you should assess your own circumstances or seek advice from your financial adviser and seek tax advice from your accountants at Accounting & Tax Solutions. Information is current at the date of issue and may change.

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